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Merry Christmas! - 12/5/24

'Tis the season! Break out your tree and lights, turn on the fireplace, put that dusty Bublé CD in the PS3, and open up a can of carbonated eggnog. This is one of my favorite times of year, a close second to the warmth and coziness of fall. The traditions and festivities of Christmas that my family and I practice vary year by year, but here's what we did so far this year:

  1. Put away the fall decorations and dragged the winter ones out of the attic
  2. Put the tree up in record time
  3. Spent a few hours putting ornaments on the tree
  4. Inflated the Christmas Goat(tm) on the front lawn
  5. Spread decorations throughout the house, mostly centered on the living room
  6. Left for the weekend to go to Washington, D.C. for Thanksgiving
  7. Came back and did very little for a few days
  8. Wrote this blog post!!!

(hmmm... this isn't a lot, I'll have to come back and write another post after Christmas... maybe with reviews for things I was gifted?)

While I was writing, I realized I was listening to the Half-Life 2 soundtrack, which is entirely inappropriate for this post... so now I'm listening to Ella Fitzgerald's Christmas album, which I would say fits better. Speaking of which, when it's ready, I'll have a review of Christmas albums posted here!

I'm not exactly sure what else to say (I've never written a blog before!), so I'll just say this; I hope that you, dear reader and your family, are safe and warm this holiday season. Enjoy each other's company, eat some good food, make some memories, and keep the snow off your backs.

Royce in his new sweater

Merry Christmas from memoryargument and Royce!_